卧龙小说网> 科幻末日> OurTales> Chapter 1: Welcome aboard, darling

Chapter 1: Welcome aboard, darling

  • OurTales
  • 阿卡萨斯
  • 2019-07-31 01:59:44
Chapter 1: Welcome aboard, darling

Chapter 1:Welcome aboard darling “I remember my instructor used to say that a man will die three times." Victoria stood up from the sofa she was originally sitting on "The first time is when his heart stops and his brain sends its last thought when biology decides that the man has died. The second time is when he is buried and mourned when loved ones accept that he has died. Finally the third and last time he dies is when the last person who remembers him has forgotten him.”

Victoria took a sip of tea from the steaming aluminum cup in her hands and sighed. “He told us that someone can only be truly dead if they are forgotten. It was just a platitude of course since so many of our classmates never came back from their missions. He meant for us to never let them die.”

She set her cup down on the table next to them. The tea splashed out a little a mar on the otherwise immaculate glass surface. “My point is darling you don’t have to do this for me.”

Her sky blue eyes met Akarthus' grey with an intensity that could pierces through soul “I’m very grateful for this ship you modded and gifted me so you don’t have to risk your life doing this.”

She gestured to the interior of the ship around them. Cheap but comfortable sofa right beside her cooking station similar to her's in the military academy living room that looks more like home than a space ship some plain wall paper even a double bed for them.

This is originally the space liner that Akarthus inhered from an old pilot who raised him. Now the passenger areas are mostly removed providing space for the storage of supplies and ammo for a 2nd generation rail-gun and 2 dual 45 mm auto-cannon as well as an improvised shield projector both of which Akarthus installed.

Akarthus took her hands in his; both of their pointy eleven turn a little red “No no Vic you’re taking this all wrong. Danger isn’t a problem. I’m not doing this for glory or honor or our country or anything; I’m doing it to be with you.”


“No buts. We’re engaged. I refuse to let my fiancee fight alone in a battlefield and stay light years away doing what? Fixing washing machines? No this is not your fight. It isourfight.” A dazzling smile spread across Akarthus’ face. “I am never letting you or those beautiful blue eyes out of my sight.”

Victoria’s protests died in her throat. She had never heard Akarthus say “I love you” before but this certainly sounded like a confession to her.

He suddenly stood up straight back straight as a knife blade and saluted. “Combat Engineer and Logistics Officer Akarthus Ashborn requesting permission to join the fleet.”

A faint smile tugged at the edges of Victoria’s lips. She proudly returned the salute. “Commander and Ship Captain Victoria Startiny permitting request. Welcome aboard to my...no. Welcome aboard toourship darling.”



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