“This damn warIt's all overDon't let people down.(这该死的战争都结束了还不让人消停。)”甲板上的贝克无聊地爬在栏杆上吹着海风发着牢骚。“Kid you're lazy again?(小子你又偷懒了是不?)”老戴夫用粗糙的手掌对着贝克的脑袋就是一下,“What do you think about it(又想什么呢?)”––“DadDo you think the war is over?(老爹你觉得战争真的结束了吗?)”贝克从衣兜里拿出一支烟点了火塞进来老戴夫嘴中。海风轻轻地吹着,海鸥在平静的海面上飞驰一切都显得那么安详,戴夫吸了几口吐出了几个烟圈便把烟掐灭了。“Boy you say?There are only the state and the human existenceThe war will never stop.(小子你说呢?只有还有国家和人类的存在那战争就永远不会停止。)”––“Daddy has to talk about it again.(老爹又要讲大道理啦。)”––“Your(你小子)”–“hahahaha(两人)”“Dad Captain let you pass.(老爹船长让你过去)”––“Got it.Your boy's thinking about it(知道了.你小子就在这自己想吧。)”
“What's the captainCall me ?(怎么了船长把我叫来)”戴夫看着满脸焦急的船长不禁打趣到。“Old stuff you weren't the Navy before(老东西你以前不是海军的吗。)”––“Yes it is.(是啊咋了)”听到船长的话戴夫觉得有些不对劲了,“You come and look at this.(你过来看看这个。)”船长指着离他不远处的雷达一脸惊恐的样子把戴夫这个老船员着实吓了一跳,因为他从来没看见过这样的船长。“What's upFind out what makes you feel like this,I haven't seen you for so many years.(怎么了?发现啥了让你怕成这样,这么多年了也没见过你这样。)”戴夫走到雷达表前而船长却退到了一边抽烟压惊去了。“Lookout ahead at 10 to see what direction?(恩?这是....瞭望台前方10点种方向有看到什么吗?)”––“Nothing at all(没有东西老爹)”––“F#ke!It's the radar that's broken.(艹是雷达坏了?)”––“The bridge bridge here is left lookout,It was found that the unknown object flew in the 10 o'clock direction!(舰桥舰桥这里是左瞭望台。发现在有不明物体由10点钟方向飞来!)”––“Can the top tower see what it is then?(顶塔能看清楚那时是什么吗?)”––“It's like a shell....It's a shell!Find a cover!(好像是炮弹....是炮弹找掩体!)”––“captain's concealment!(船长隐蔽!)”
炮弹命中并击穿了甲板,大火瞬间吞噬了船只的前弦。“Are you all right?Live to save the fire!The whereabouts of local sending me tm. fast!(咳咳,大家都没事吧?喂还活着的去救火!我tm的去向本土发报。快!)”––“This is heroic! This is heroic!We are being attacked and send warships to support us as soon as possible!(这里是英勇!这里是英勇!我们正受到攻击请尽快派军舰来支援!)”
英国日报:A valiant merchant ship in our country was sunk by an unknown vessel in the English Channel,No one was born on the ship.And the ships sent to the search and rescue were also attacked,Witnesses who arrived at the scene said they were attacked by a ghost ship.At that time the radar found a ship's signal but there was nothing at all on the sea.But wait until after the attack was devastated hanging out of the waters of the Nazi flag shipsBut it lost its signal on the radar. The surviving crew watched the ghost walk away from their eyes.(我国一艘英勇号商船在英吉利海峡被不明船只击沉,船上无人生还。而且派往搜救的军舰也被攻击,据赶到现场的目击者称他们遭到了幽灵船的袭击,那时雷达上发现了船只的信号可是海面上根本没有东西,但等到袭击过后一艘满目疮痍,悬挂着纳粹旗的战舰驶离了海域,但是它在雷达上它的信号消失了。幸存的船员看着那艘幽灵离开了他们的视线。)