Charles finally leave on his own he walk down the street in low spirits.
Cat: fortunetellers international this is madam Catherine. Let me tell you what the future will bring? What’s your sign?
K: I’m a Leo.
Cat: it’s seem that you just broke up with your boyfriends right?
K:yes fortuneteller! You are right!
People around is surprised and is very interested in having their fortune told
Cat: hmm.... this is going to be an interesting week for you.
K: why is that?
Cat: It’s seem that you are waiting to hear something important. You will have good news at the end of the week.
K:wow you are so smart!
People around:wow!I wanna try!!
C:hey you two! The liars! They are liars! Turn my money back!
K: what are you doing! Don’t believe him! He just has mental disorder!
C: they are liars! Cheated me out of my money before!
People around go away
Cat: hey! How awful! A big business go away.
K: old man. Why are you bothering me now. We just need money to live!
C: live! My first daughter she has been cheated. My second daughter she was in unhappy marriage. But my favorite little daughter i still don’t know where she is! And you! Cheat my money destroy my medicine! How can i live!
K: wow the god serves you right! You are such a man who never have happiness!
Cat: yes no one will stay with you even with your daughter! Stubborn man!
Charles is too angry to say any word and pass out!
Cat: Ah! What happen!
K: let it go! That’s his fate! Not mine.
Charles's heart disease attacked suddenly and sent to a hospital and at the same timeStacey in the Mexico’s jail spending day seems like a year feeling painful in the addiction to drug everyday. But the harder she struggle the stronger the desire to death will be. Finally she give up to the addiction died in the jail.
While Charles was sleeping on the bed he had a dream.
C: Where am I?
Stacy: I am sorry dad.. For everything..
C: Stacy! Where are you? Why are you not home?
S: I am sorry dad I didn't become an artist..
C:Anyway it is not your fault..
S: I have to company with mom farewell dad..
(Stacy’s body faded gradually)
C: what do you mean? Stacy! Stacy! No!
(Charles weak up suddenly)
Azura & Mary : Thank god! You are awake!
Charles: Finally we are in the same room…Where is Stacy?
Azura:I am here Mary is here too
Mary:How are you feeling?
C: I know you two are keeping things from me and I know Stacy is in trouble but…
A: Dad take my advise just relax put your feet up and don’t think too much about it..
C: It is all right I can handle it.. I just wanna know where she is!!!
M: Why don’t you just take a…rest for a while!(start crying)
A: Dad,I am sorry…Stacy is dead I am sorry…
C: No! That’s not true! Tell me that’s not true..
M: I am sorry dad. We got her answer machine and we all think of she was traveling…until we started getting a call from Mexico…She went to the jail because of drug trading…
C: No no that’s not my daughter it could be anyone it could be a mistake..
A: That’s why you shouldn’t stay with us we couldn’t let you know anything about Stacy until we take her back…
M: I went to Mexico after you left…when I arrived I heard … Stacy was dead they said it was a overdose…
A: She had a lot of problems dad. She wasn’t happy…
C: No..not my daughter…that’s not my daughter…
A: Dad please! Watch out your heart!
C: I am sorry for Azura for Mary for Stacey …if I could do it all over again I would ask less of you three. It will be fine to me as long as.. you were happy. No matter how hard the life is I you daddy will stand by you forever…
M: We should have listened to you!!
A: It is all our fault!!
C: And now listen to me carefully…Promise to me you two promise you will come back for Christmas Dinner party…
M: I promise I will
A: I promise I will
C: Fine! Fine!
Charles dream a very good dreamin the dreamhe and his family spend Christmas eve happily.