卧龙小说网> 悬疑灵异> Everyonesfine> sec 1

sec 1

sec 1

Charles is a man with three daughters. His wife has dead. And also he has high hopes on the three daughters.

C: Hurry up girls! It is dinner time!

S: Wow snails with garlic!

C: Before eating(three daughters stop eating) only one question how many points did you get in your last examination?

(Azura and Mary hold down their head)

S: I got 99!

C: Excellent sweetie! How about you two? I have known your grades very poor you two very poor!

A:(whisper to Mary)it really upsets me that he interrupt me when I want to have my meal happily.

M: Year. He is so serious. I don’t know how to talk to him..

C: Do you think your performance will satisfy your mother in the heaven? Quickly finish your dinner and pay attention to your study!!

Three daughters eat faster and leave.when Stacey is ready to leave.

C:Stacey wait. Come here.

S: dad?

C:Stacey what are you gonna do when you grow up?

S:I wanna be a painter and do my pictures.

C:No not a painter. Stacey painters paint walls and dogs pee on walls. You're gonna be an artist. Artists paint pictures that change people's lives. What are you gonna be?

S:An artist.

C:That's right an artist. So you gonna work hard?

S:Yes Dad.

C:You gonna make me proud.

S:I'm trying Dad.



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