Chapter 2:A beginning that's not so bright
They looked into each other's eyes and stayed silent for half a minute while smiling. In this time the only thing they have in their eyes and mind are each other. This is not the kind of emotion that can be easily explained by words so they stayed silent. They knew each other too well to understand what they are trying to express.
Slowly they walked towards each other and put their arms around the other. Victoria is taller then Akarthus and she is wearing heels so she gently kissed him on the forehead while Akarthus just embraced her with his arms. It was peace that they are experiencing now the peace that they both knew wouldn't last for long.
Minutes later they separates. Victoria quickly fixed her uniform her military uniform from the academy and grabbed Akarthus' hand to hold in front of her chest "This is not going to be easy. We are joining the guerrillas or resistance if you don't know. They have a base in the asteroid belts of the Aztelan System IGT wouldn't want to spend a lot of money annihilating them so we are relatively safe for now."
"I never expected it to be easy. We are fighting against one of the largest Mega Corps in know galaxies after all." He tilted his head to a side for a second and replied.
The IGT Co. is the short form of Integral Galactic Technologies a Mega Corp mainly focused on ships and weapons manufacture. They also have a few extremely high-tech cutting edge research facilities in their controlled solar systems which makes their product more compatible. Especially against other arms manufacture or dealers which mostly rely on third party researches or selling low-tech weapons. Like that 2nd generation rail-gun and the 45 mm auto-cannon installed on this ship ICF Nemesis.
The colonization of the Hermitee Republic by the IGT is been made public by different interstellar media. Most foreign countries and Mega Corps publicly condemned IGT's action sold some of IGT's stocks and this issue is over. No one is going to stand up for Hermitee a small nation with only a few solar systems. Akarthus and Victoria already knew that. They know that they or the resistance can't rely on any foreign powers. In this space age countries corporations any groups only work for the benefits of themselves. There is no place for sympathies.
"So Vic do you have any plans of getting to the asteroid belts? " Akarthus walked to the table; pulled the nearest chair from the dinning table towards him and sat down "You know that the shoddy hyperspace shiftier on this ship can only enter or exit hyperspace near huge celestial object right?"
Hyperspace is the most used and most cost efficient way of FTL (Faster Than Light) travel. How it works is that your ship enters a chaotic space that's in a higher dimension than the 3rd dimension length width and height but not yet to the 4th dimension. In the hyperspace it seems that the universe is much smaller and you can travel light-years in matter of hours. But of course entering the hyperspace via the hyperspace shiftier will consume a lot of energies which they are somewhat lacking a bit.
The fission reactor installed on their ship requires a lot of time to generate the energy required for entering hyperspace.
"Yes one of the commander of the resistance got me a basic patrol schedule of the IGT fleet we can jump to Aztelan III and silently reach the asteroid belts with sub light. " Victoria sat down on the other side of the dinning table with her tea and replied.
"You sure we can trust him?" Akarthus questions he doesn't want to put Victoria and himself in potential danger.
"Her. And yes I knew her since year 2 in the military academy. She was a student there too year 4 when I met her." She slowing blew away the stream on top of her hot tea and said but never moved her eyes away from Akarthus.
"Then so be it I trust your judgement."