日更?我很懒,不存在的。 (过一会会更的。)
This section will as be worthless as my life and I should probably stop being a dick about showing off my English skills that isn't even great.
As you can see I am a total douche bag no good low life that is addicted to cs:go. I finally climbed my ass out of silver into gold nova but I still feel empty on the inside. It's probably just the guilt of me not uploading anything.
Well here I am finished my exams climbed from the depth of silver and back to uploading my beloved novel.
So if you are happy that I'm still alive or just appreciate my work (Which I barely did any.) please leave a thumbs up.
I feel the deepest regrets from my heart for not uploading anything at all. Wait I'm sorry I lied.
But still I should be back with the daily uploads and do not expect too mich from me.
Personally I think I made this story great so far and I have so much planned for the future of this novel. I feel quite confident about this.
This novel should go all the way to its end atleast thats what I truly hope. Well as for today the only thing that will stop me from coming to this bloody site is when you guys trigger my insecurities too much. (I'm an introvert by the way. As a professional otaku I surely have problems such as depression and insecurity. Not to offend anyone. I'm just talking about myself.)
well thanks for reading the bullcrap I wrote in 10 minutes. This hopefully shouldn't affect the upload later on in the evenings. see ya later my Fam Squad.
with love and kisses.(wait isn't that gay?)
A faggot author that clearly still belongs in silver.
I mean I still use the p90 and Negev.
Please give me CS:GO tips.