第十九点五节Dancing puppet
Rotate rotate dancing puppet
She has no soul and so be it
Buried alive by black and white
And yet the web gain her no sight
Rotate rotate dancing puppet
Millenary in a nutshell
Deep down the abyss she looks back
The stability their world lacks
Rotate rotate dancing puppet
Behold the deathless martyr
Unbreakable wall stands the test
They won't be on Ark's manifest
Rotate rotate dancing puppet
Adherents of the land of Nod
Through their lances she feels no threat
Painful wounds they will never forget
Rotate rotate dancing puppet
The nameless continent called out
It behoves the bravo to obey
The holy duty no one can dismay
Rotate rotate dancing puppet
Unqualified king and his vassal
Blood stained merry-go-round
Let their hopeless shriek resound
Rotate rotate dancing puppet
Here comes the marathon
Flickering flame does not stop her steps
The destiny we all have to schlep
Rotate rotate dancing puppet
The fearless demon shows no pain
Daring action that has not been planned
Sentiment she cannot understand
Rotate rotate dancing puppet
The timid demon cross the sky
Great target yet has not been met
Farewell Romeo and Juliet
Rotate rotate dancing puppet
The end is near still no tears
Uncrowned king withstands the dread
She sees darkness falling ahead
Rotate rotate broken puppet
Who is that man in the end?
Red eyes black hair making his own stand
Her mind is out of the ruler's hand
Rotate rotate confused puppet
The strings have no means of gripe
Freedom she ought not to seek
A misleading dream indeed
Rotate rotate unrestrained puppet
She wishes to know more the king
Protection without appreciate
Puzzled she feels man's complicate
Dancing dancing unrestrained puppet
Brusque deed she made secretly
A new ruler to serve with her might
From now on being king's satellite
Rotate rotate dancing puppet
She has no soul and so be it
Buried alive by black and white
Her fate is prepared to rewrite